Contract management

Our K4Trade consultants, with years of experience in this field, are experts in the realization and management of national and international contracts, even in different languages.

Thanks to their network of partners and their knowledge of their clients, they will be able to find the best solutions to your needs.

With the experience acquired over the years, they will follow the formation of contracts in every phase from the initial negotiations to their realization.

The aspects taken into consideration are fiscal, legal, operational, as well as economic.

Market development

Our experts will follow the clients in marketing development using all available tools, which includes carrying out market research and analysis.

Their role will also consist of finding partners and expand clientele.

Growing the market of your company is fundamental for the development of the company itself, and thanks to K4Trade’s advice, you will find a useful tool to increase market share and turnover.

Working with you

Our services

Our K4Trade consultants, with years of experience in this field, are experts in the realization and management of national and international contracts, even in different languages.

Growing the market of your company is essential to its development.


Improve your market share and turnover


Find new customers and sign new offers


Launch and product optimization


Manage the translation of contracts between companies from different countries.


All legal aspects taken into account when signing a contract


Management of royalties related to the music world and portfolio of international artists

Contact us
